Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Medical Issues....

I am so sick of prescription medication for my extreme back pain. I am only 35 and they want me to take 6 to 9 Oxycontin a day & wear a morphine patch... I will be dead by 45 if i do that... Why wont my doctor just prescribe a safe & effective alternative? Why am I forced to find some crack pot doctor to give money to & get a potentially non-legal Marijuana Prescription? I am not some crazy recreational user, I think recreational use might be a bad thing. I am a father in pain that wants to enjoy my life with my family - not drool & piss on myself. I beg you - reschedule Marijuana for prescriptive use... Until then, I guess i will just have to deal with breaking federal laws... How do you tell your family that you are making a choice to violate federal laws - that you are willing to become a criminal to avoid addiction to dangerous drugs? What happens if I get caught & go to prison? I guess having as much time as I can with my family instead of being a zombie around them is worth the chance i have chosen to take.

Friday, October 29, 2010

I don't know what to do with my past.

Well, I wrote this

It isn't a secret that I wrote this. You only don't know me. That isn't actually my problem, but it could be yours. If it is. Bad luck to you.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Who wrote this

Well, you could leave here a secret name, so only the good researchers can find your details....